Project SASS

Elizabeth Campbell Passes Away After Major Seizure; Family Seeks Support for Funeral in Armidale, NSW

Armidale, New South Wales – Elizabeth Campbell, fondly known as Lizzie, tragically passed away after suffering a major seizure that left her in critical condition for three months. The seizure, which severely damaged the left side of her brain, led to significant complications that ultimately took her life.

Elizabeth was initially admitted to the ICU at Armidale Hospital, where doctors and specialists did everything they could to save her. Despite being transferred to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle for further treatment, specialists were unable to improve her condition. After a meeting with the doctors, Elizabeth’s family was informed that she might only have two weeks to live. Sadly, just two days after being transferred back to Armidale, Elizabeth passed away, leaving her family and friends heartbroken.

In the wake of her sudden passing, Elizabeth’s family is seeking financial assistance to cover her funeral expenses. A fundraiser organized by her brother, Fredrick Campbell, has been set up with a goal of raising $12,000. As of now, the fundraiser has gathered $750 through the generous contributions of seven donors.

Fredrick Campbell shared the family’s plight, explaining how quickly the situation unfolded and how deeply it has impacted everyone who knew and loved Elizabeth. The family is reaching out to the community for any support that can help them give Elizabeth the farewell she deserves.

Those wishing to contribute to the fundraiser can do so online, with donations going directly towards funeral and memorial expenses. The family has expressed their deep gratitude for any assistance during this difficult time.

— Updated by Violet Young in Local


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