Project SASS

Family of Paul Fitton Seeks Community Support for Funeral Costs After His Sudden Passing

Paul Fitton, sadly found deceased in his flat on Sunday night, has left his family in grief and struggling to afford the funeral he deserves. Paul’s sister, Lisa Fittton, has organized a GoFundMe campaign to raise the necessary funds to give her brother a proper farewell.

The fundraiser, created today, has set a goal of £2,000, but so far, contributions are just starting to come in. Lisa expressed her deep need for financial help, emphasizing how much it would mean to her and their family to be able to honor Paul properly.

Lisa wrote on the fundraising page, "Hi my name is Lisa, this is my brother Paul Fitton, sadly found deceased in his flat on Sunday night. We want to give him the send-off he deserves, but we don’t have enough funds to do so. Any help would be appreciated."

Community members are encouraged to donate and support the family during this difficult time. On Facebook, Suzanne Wrigley urged others to "Please help if u can," sharing the GoFundMe link to encourage donations.

This is a challenging time for Paul’s loved ones, and the outpouring of support will help ensure that his memory is honored as they navigate through their loss.

— Updated by Mateo Miller in Local


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