Project SASS

Stamford Resident Efraulio Montoya Pinto Passes Away After Tragic Accident at Shop Rite, Family Seeks Support for Funeral Costs

Stamford, CT – Efraulio Montoya Pinto, a resident of Stamford, tragically passed away following an accident on the evening of August 26th at a local Shop Rite. Efraulio, who initially lost consciousness after tripping on a curb, was taken to the hospital where scans revealed an internal brain bleed. Despite regaining some function shortly after the fall, his condition worsened overnight as his brain hemorrhaged, and he has not regained consciousness since.

Efraulio’s family, devastated by the sudden turn of events, is now facing the difficult reality of arranging his final rites. They have turned to the community for support, launching a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the substantial medical bills and funeral costs. The fundraiser, organized by his daughter Debbie Pinto, aims to raise $25,000 to cover these expenses and to send Efraulio’s remains back to Guatemala, his homeland.

The family has been deeply affected by Efraulio’s passing, especially considering his recent struggles with health that led to multiple hospital visits over the past few months. His loved ones, including his four daughters, a son, and five grandchildren (with one more on the way), are leaning on their faith and the community during this challenging time.

The GoFundMe campaign has so far raised $50, with Rebecca Greenberg being the first to donate. Debbie Pinto has expressed her gratitude for the support, emphasizing that no contribution is too small and asking those unable to donate to share the fundraiser link.

One Facebook user, Cipher Flower, shared a heartfelt post urging others to support the campaign, writing, "This is for Debbie Pinto’s Daddy. She needs whatever you can give. Anything is better than nothing."

The family continues to hold out hope for the necessary support to lay Efraulio Montoya Pinto to rest with dignity, honoring his life and bringing some peace to his loved ones during this sorrowful time.

— Updated by Luke Perez in Local


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