Project SASS

Urgent Appeal for Information on Missing Nicole Carleeon

Nicole Carleeon has been reported missing, prompting a heartfelt plea for help from her family and the community. The situation is dire as Nicole has been listed as missing and in danger, according to a Facebook post by Alexis Yates, who is urgently seeking any information about her daughter’s whereabouts.

Alexis Yates expressed deep concern and frustration in her post, urging anyone with information to come forward immediately. "If anyone sees or hears from my daughter, please contact myself, her father, or 706-821-1000 investigator Pier from the missing person department," Yates wrote. She emphasized the gravity of the situation, highlighting the pain of not knowing her child’s status and the importance of sharing any information that could help bring Nicole home safely.

The post also carried a warning to those who might have information but are hesitant to share it. Yates made it clear that she would hold anyone accountable if they withheld critical details that could have prevented harm to her daughter. “The worst thing any one of you can do is withhold any type of information about my child from me. It’s not right,” she stated.

Several others shared their thoughts and support on Facebook. Amber Mackenzie asked, "Can you make this shareable, please?" shortly after Alexis Yates’ initial post. Wanda Boatright offered her prayers, saying, "Oh baby, my heart breaks for you. I’m praying she is found safe." Another commenter, Semaj Rekked, mentioned, "I’m doing what I can to see what I can figure out."

As the search for Nicole Carleeon continues, the family is relying on the community’s support to bring her home. If anyone has any information, they are urged to contact the family or the authorities immediately. The community’s response highlights the urgency and collective concern for Nicole’s safety.

— Updated by Scarlett Martinez in Local


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